• 1st Claygate Scouts

Claygate Beer Festival
30th-31st August

Friday Evening 6-10pm
Saturday Afternoon 12-4pm or
Saturday Evening 6-10pm

Bigger and Better with many more beers, cider, wine, a gin bar - and live music on Saturday night!

Tickets go on sale on 15th July.

Looking to get your child into Scouting?


1st Claygate Scout Group has expanded!

With its 4th Beaver Colony now up and running, the Group’s waiting list has now been reduced.

If your child would like to join, now is a good time to put their name down.

Please use the following link to register on the waiting list : https://www.claygatescouts.org/waiting_list.php

More information about Beaver Scouts can be found on the website : here

Looking to get your child into Scouting?


1st Claygate Scout Group has expanded!

With its 4th Beaver Colony now up and running, the Group’s waiting list has now been reduced.

If your child would like to join, now is a good time to put their name down.

Please use the following link to register on the waiting list : https://www.claygatescouts.org/waiting_list.php

More information about Beaver Scouts can be found on the website : here

Keeping In Touch

Christmas Trees Register here to maintain ALL your personal contact preferences. Hear about jumble sales, fundraising events, our newsletter, social events, draw tickets, band events and website updates.
If you have previously signed-up you can also amend your mailing preferences or change your existing email address.