he 1st Claygate Scout & Guide Band is an activity of the 1st Claygate Scout Group and Claygate Girl Guides. It is open to all members of either group from Cubs or Brownies upwards who are actively involved and regularly attend section meetings. The band welcomes new members from total beginners through to accomplished players and has 3 sections to accommodate members of all abilities. A Junior band (up to grade 3) a Senior band (grade 3+) and a new Training band for members who have just started to play an instrument. Members receive a band uniform appropriate to the scout/guide section they are in and the band has a selection of instruments that can be loaned out to members.
The band began in 1989, closed in 2000, and was reformed in 2001 with just 10 members. Since then it has grown steadily and currently boasts a membership of over 50. Over the last 14 years the band has regulary performed at group (1st Claygate) and district (Esher) events including St George's Day Parades, Group Shows, Group AGM & Family Fun Days, Carolling around Claygate and the Scout & Guide Carol Service. The band also takes part in many village (Claygate) events including the Flower Show, Remembrance Sunday Parade, Christmas Lights & Carols on the Green. The band has also been a core contributor to the Claygate Music Festivals, held every 2 years since 2008. Further afield the band has taken part in the 2010 & 2014 Kingston Borough Bands Tattoo and in 2014 the bands drummers were asked to take part in the National St George's Day Parade of Queen Scouts at Windsor Castle in front of HRH The Duke of Kent (President of the Scout Association) along with Bear Grylls (Chief Scout) and Wayne Bulpitt (UK Chief Commissioner). In 2011 the band celebrated its 10th anniversary, since reforming, the highlight of which was a very successful trip to Disneyland Paris, where we led the Disney Parade.
If you are a parent with a son or daughter in either group who would be interested in joining, or would like to help with tuition or supporting the band or just want to find out more please contact Robin Wilkinson, bandmaster, by using the 'contact us' button at the top of this page.
The Training band was set up at the end of 2013 and is specifically designed to provide the help and support those who are just beginning to play an instrument will need. Once confident in the basics of their instrument and marching and having reached a sufficient standard of playing members of the training band will move into the junior band.
The training band meets on Fridays from 7-8pm at the Scout Centre
The Junior band (ability not age) is for members who are confident in the basics of their instrument and marching. Weekly meeting allow the band to practice, sometimes in small groups, and learn how to play their instrument and understand basic theory. Members also have the opportunity to work towards their music stage 1 badge and will often be joined by the senior band when practice for major performances is required. Junior band members take part in most band performances and once members have reached a certain level (around grade 3) they will move into the Senior band.
The junior band meets on Fridays from 7-8pm at the Scout Centre
Members of the Senior band will have a good knowledge of their instrument (grade 3+) and know the requirements for playing in a marching band. Weekly meetings allow the band to practice, learn new pieces and improve their playing skills. Members also have the opportunity to earn the remainder of the music stage badges (stages 2-5).
The Senior band meets on Fridays from 8pm-9:15pm at the Scout Centre
The band regularly performs at village events, including St. George's Day and Remembrance Sunday Parades, the Scout Group AGM & Fun Day, the Claygate Flower Show, the Claygate Music Festival and the many Christmas festivities in the village as well as many events further afield. Most performances will involve all sections of the band.
Please see the calendar for the schedule of upcoming events
Led by Robin Wilkinson (bandmaster) the band is very lucky to have a team of leaders and instructors who help and support the young musicians in the band and have a wealth of knowledge about music, banding and scouting. Indeed some were once members of the band themselves. As well as helping out at weekly meeting and other rehearsals they also take a full part in band activities and performances.
The band is also very lucky to have a team of supporters who work behind the scenes to support the band. The list of jobs is almost endless but includes administration, communications, parent reps, publicity, refreshments, transport, uniforms and the raffle!
Many thanks - We couldn't do it without you!